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Qigong. - Again, we’d like to know more about frequencies. Have there been researches or estimations about how many people practised QIGONG, LIANGONG, TAIJIQUAN or similar forms in ancient times? How many practised it in 1949 and in the following years? How many at present? Which forms have been the most popular ones? Have there been any important changes?

Qigong and mental health. - In Western countries, there are resarches using different QIGONG forms for treating psychosomatic conditions or mentally ill patients. What about the experiences in China? Are there any statistics available? Which kinds of diseases are treated with QIGONG in normal hospitals? Which ones in special clinics? How many patients? Have there been comparative  studies, researching the results of therapy with and without QIGONG?

Medicated Diet. - This is a very interesting part of China’s traditional knowledge concerning curing and preventing diseases (YANGSHEN). But again, we are lacking any reliable data. How frequently are medicated diets used in Chinese hospitals? How often recommended or  prescribed by the doctors? Concerning which diseases? Have there been comparative studies to check the results of different recipes or ingredients?

Allergies. - In Western countries, we have a considerable increase of all kinds of allergies. Due to several reasons, there have been much less allergies in China, but now the numbers are increasing, too. What about the clinical experiences when treating these cases? Any statistics available? Any comparative studies, checking the results of certain herbs and medicated diets?

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